GTEとはオーストラリアへのビザ申請の際に必要な作文。Genuine Temporary Entrantといって、ビザ申請本人がビザの目的に適合している人物かどうかを第三者(ビザの審査官)が判断するものだととらえている。ネットを探すと、いくつか学生ビザに関するGTEの情報は上がっているが、ほとんどが語学留学に関するもののため、大学院の研究課程に留学する自分とは状況が違いすぎてあまり参考にならない。ゼロベースで考えて作文した内容でも申請後3週間でビザが下りたので、晴れてビザが通った文例としてブログに全文記載してみる(固有名詞等は伏字)。
<Primary applicantである私のGTE>
I earned Master of ABC from the University of DEF in 2004, and have been working as a professional in the field of GHI and JKL. In my career, I have spent 12 years at MNO, the PQR company headquartered in Tokyo. Working on day to day business in my field, I am getting interested in researching this area more deeply in an academic institution, to find most effective way for STU. The company agreed on my research purpose and permitted for me to take a career development leave while I study in a university.
In 2018, I started looking for a future supervisor by carefully reading articles in academic journals, and found VWX in YZ University as one of the best candidates. She showed her interests in my research topic and agreed on accepting me as a PhD student under her supervision. Thanks to her support on refining my research proposal and the past academic records of my own, I successfully receive scholarship from YZ University which covers tuition, OSHC fee and living costs for the course duration.
My husband and two sons plan to accompany me while I study at YZ University. My husband has been working as abc in Japan for ten years. His main job in Australia will be supporting family, and after my graduation, he will start working as a full-time abc again in Japan. Regarding my two sons, both will study at a primary school near YZ University.
I expect to submit my doctorate thesis in 2023 and go back to Japan to work at MNO again. I have enough funds with my bank savings and the scholarship from the university to stay in Australia with my family.
- なぜそもそも大学院で学びたいのか→修士取得後、実務者としてキャリアを積んできた延長線上にさらに深く研究したいテーマが見つかった
- なぜ日本を含む他の国ではなくオーストラリアなのか→研究をスーパーバイズしてくれる先生がたまたまオーストラリアの大学に在籍しているから
- コース修了後にオーストラリアに居座る可能性がないか→休職制度を使っているのでコース修了後は元の会社で働く予定
- 夫は就労目的で入国するのではないか→滞在中は家族をサポートすることが目的(もちろん経済的なサポートも含むがあえて言及する必要なし)
- 夫も私のコース修了後にオーストラリアに居座る可能性がないか→再び日本で働く予定
- 子どもは学校に通わせることになっているか→大学の近くの小学校に通う
- 資金は十分か→奨学金と貯金で賄える
文章は、最初はもう少し長く書いていたのだが、いざ入力画面にコピペしたら、2,000文字オーバーというアラートが。2,000wordsまでと思っていたら、2,000文字だったのであまり書けない。ビザのGTEは文法が不正確でも内容がわかればOKのようだったので、校正サービスは受けずにそのまま提出した。そして、添付書類として申請した家族のGTEは以下。(基本的にPrimary applicantである私のGTEの内容をなぞる形)
<Secondary applicantである夫のGTE>
To support everyday life of my family, I will accompany my wife while she studies at YZ University. I was born and grew up in Japan, and have never lived outside of Japan in my life. I have been working as a freelance abc since 2009 after married with my wife. After her graduation, I will leave Australia with her and two sons, and work in Japan again.
<Secondary applicantである長男と次男のGTE(学年情報以外は同じ内容)>
I will accompany my mother while she studies at YZ University. I was born and grew up in Japan, and have never lived outside of Japan in my life. I will enrol in Year 4 / Foundation at def Primary School, and study at the school while we live in Australia. After we go back to Japan, I will study at a Japanese school again.